Sunday 29 April 2007

Training - Portsmouth to Brighton

Three of us roadies (Rob, Pete, and I) have signed up to do the British Cyclosportive on July the 1st. It's a 200km (120 mile) meandering route from London to Canterbury, and will be a rather long day in the saddle for all of us (see: Until the end of June we'll be doing ever longer and faster rides to build endurance and power in our legs. All going well we should cover the 200km in about 7 hours on race day...

Pete and I met at Waterloo station at 7:45 in the morning with the intention of catching a train to Basingstoke and then cycling down to see Stonehenge. Unfortunately for us, part of the rail line was being repaired and they were operating a replacement bus service for that section. Buses and bikes don't go together, so we had to change our plans.

Pete came up with an alternative plan: 60 miles from Portsmouth to Brighton. We caught a train down to Portsmouth, got on the bikes, and headed out.

It turned out to be a very nice day for cycling. The route was mostly flat & smooth, but we did have a headwind most of the way.


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